Training & Development Plan
SNMEC vision is to develop the staffs and increase safety culture through training centers and authorized trainers to provide different training’s to its employees in a very effective way. Each employee is given a safety induction training before gets in work site and this is applied on SNMEC staff, its visitors, and its subcontractors.
Usually there is a specific training for each activity and each training has its own method that comes up with International standards.
those training’s include First Aid, Working at height, LOTO, Rescue, Hot Work, etc.
Health Plan
The medical center of SNMEC contains the most modern devices that are Subject to the quality control. The medical center supports HSE team through different services like, laboratory test, first aid, particular training and issuing fitness to work certificate for the new employees and taking samples to make sure that sterilization is on the required level of the DFAC and other health facilities. And the medical center also provides another diverse activities including, daily randomly medical checkup, infectious diseases, ABO group, HIVS check, and HBS/HCV check
Safety Plan
SNMEC HSE Team holds meetings with different SNMEC Departments every week. This meeting discussing the duties of manager’s departments to keep work safely. Every day morning there will be Tool Box Talk to all staff to remember them with safety rules and standards with sharing safety instructions, occasionally there will be Safety STAND UP according to accidents and incidents of other projects. Addition to that meeting with HSE team for every day for two shifts to discuss to what extent applied SNMEC HSE procedures
SNMEC HSE Activities At Sites
Daily Tool box Meeting (TBM ) for all Staff:
Based on the belief of SNMEC to increase the HSE culture, the HSE team hold a tool box meeting every morning for all SNMEC staff and worker (Engineers, Supervisors, Forman’s, Technicians, Drivers, Worker …..)
Daily Tool box Meeting ( TBM ) by English for foreigners and expat:
Due to the presence of many engineers, technicians and foreign workers, the HSE Team give a separate tool box meeting at English language or through an interpreter for employees who do not understand English language.
Fitness To Work Certificate
Issuing fitness to work certificates for all critical jobs (drivers, operators , W at H ,Scaffolders …) and for all Foreigners staff.
Incentive program
Snmec incentive program distributes prizes on regular basis for staff abiding HSE rules, to promote a culture of safety measures in the organization.